Antragstellerin FCET2EC
Uniklinik – RWTH Aachen – Lehranstalt für Logopädie
Curriculum Vitae
Akademischer Werdegang / Academic Degrees
Doctoral Degree, Dr. phil., Faculty of Philosophy, RWTH Aachen University
Diplom-Logopädin, Dipl.-Log., Medical Faculty, RWTH Aachen University
Beruflicher Werdegang / Occupational Career, Lecturing
2009 – 2011
Lecturer, Neurolinguistics, Neurological Department, RWTH Aachen University
1985 – 2011
Lecturer, Dept. of Special Education/Logopedics, University of Fribourg
1999 – 2008
Research Associate, University Cologne (half-time)
1977 – today
Head of the School of Logopedics, University Hospital, Aachen (since 1999 half-time)
Stipendien, Preise, Eingeworbene Fördermittel / Fellowships, Awards, Funding
2012 – 2015
National multicenter clinical trial „From controlled experimental trial to everyday communication: How effective is intensive aphasia therapy under routine clinical conditions?“ funded by the BMBF
2004 – 2008
Research associate, Interdisciplinary Research Group “Media and Cultural Communication” (SFB/FK 427), Project: “Soziale Netze im Entstehen” (Socrates-CHAT für Aphasiker), University of Cologne.
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Award of the RWTH Aachen for „exceptional scientific merits” („Borchers-Plakette“)
2003 – 2007
Research associate, “Supervised Home Training of Dialogue Skills in Chronic Aphasia: A Randomized Parallel Group Study”.
Funded by Swiss Foundation of Rehabilitation Technology (FST), Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Stifung und Kuratorium ZNS (with Nobis-Bosch, Radermacher & Huber).
2002 – 2004
Research associate, Interdisciplinary Research Group “Media and Cultural Communication” (SFB/FK 427), Project: “Medienspezifische Störungen und Repairs” (bei Aphasie). Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
1999 – 2001
Research associate, Interdisciplinary Research Group “Media and Cultural Communication” (SFB/FK 427), Project: “Orater und literater Medialitätsstil” (bei Aphasie). Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Award of the „Kuratoriums ZNS“ and „Hannelore-Kohl-Stiftung“ for exceptional scientific merits in the rehabilitation of brain injured patients for the study: „Die Behandlung des schweren Agrammatismus – Reduzierte-Syntax-Therapie (REST)“ (with K.J. Schlenck and C. Schlenck).
Fünf relevante Publikationen der letzten fünf Jahre / Five relevant publications of the past five years
Nobis-Bosch, R., Radermacher, I., Springer, L. & Huber, W. (2009). Supervidiertes Heimtraining in der Aphasietherapie: Eine randomisierte parallele Gruppenstudie zur elektronischen Lernhilfe B.A.Bar. Aphasie und verwandte Gebiete, 7-24.
Springer, L. (2008). Therapeutic Approaches in Aphasia Rehabilitation. In: Stemmer B. &. Whitaker H.A. (Eds.) Handbook of Neuroscience of Language, 397-406.
Springer, L.(2006). Medienspezifische Sprachperformanz, Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner.
Springer, L.(2006). Chancen neuer Kommunikationsmedien für Aphasiker – Eine Studie zur Partizipation von Aphasikern im SOCRATES-CHAT. Sprache-Stimme-Gehör, 30, 111-118.
Huber, W., Poeck, K. & Springer, L. (2006). Klinik und Rehabilitation der Aphasie, Stuttgart: Thieme.