Antragstellerin, Leitende Prüfärztin FCET2EC
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin – Klinik für Neurologie
Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 450 560 284
Fax: + 49 (0) 30 450 7 560 284
Email: agnes.floeel[at]charite.de
Curriculum Vitae
Akademischer Werdegang / Academic Degrees
Principal investigator at the NeuroCure Clinical Research Center
Principal investigator at the Center for Stroke Research Berlin
Principal investigator at the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence
Nomination as Professor, Charité, Berlin
Priv.-Doz., Clinical Neurology, University of Münster
Fachärztin Neurologie, Medicine, University of Münster
Doctoral Degree, Dr. med. [Ph.D.], Medicine, University of Hannover
Staatsexamen, Medicine, University of Hannover (1997 – 1998 University of Cardiff)
Beruflicher Werdegang / Occupational Career, Lecturing
2009 – today
Professor, Pathophysiology of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Charité, Berlin
2009 – today
Senior attending, Neurology, Charité, Berlin
2008 – 2009
Junior attending, Neurology, University of Münster
2005 – 2008
Assistenzärztin, Neurology, University of Münster
2002 – 2004
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Health, USA
1999 – 2002
Assistenzärztin, Neurology, University of Münster
Stipendien, Preise, Eingeworbene Fördermittel / Fellowships, Awards, Funding
2012 – 2015
National multicenter clinical trial „From controlled experimental trial to everyday communication: How effective is intensive aphasia therapy under routine clinical conditions?“ funded by the BMBF
Heinrich Pette Preis, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie
2010 – 2011
Exercise in elderly individuals with Impaired Glucose Tolerance: Beneficial for vasculature and neurons? NeuroCure Excellence Cluster, FlexFunds
2010 – 2012
Research grant consortium “Enhancing memory functions in patients with mild cognitive impairment by combined dietary intervention, exercise, and cognitive training, BMBF (Speaker: A. Flöel)
2009 – 2011
Verbesserung der Gehirnleistung im Alter durch Ernährungsumstellung, DFG
2009 – 2010
Cerebrale Plastizität und Integrität der weissen Hirnsubstanz: Untersuchungen bei SAE, CADASIL, gesundem Gehirn: Stiftung Neuromedizin Münster
2009 – 2011
Neuroregeneration enhanced by tDCS in stroke (Multi-center trial), DFG
2008 – 2010
Research grant „Effect of genetic predisposition and environmental factors on memory function in the elderly”, IZKF Münster
2005 – 2008
Does dopaminergic neuromodulation enhance procedural motor learning and activities of daily living in healthy elderly subjects and in patients with chronic motor deficits after stroke? Which mechanisms underlie the enhancement?, DFG
2005 – 2008
Research grant „Exercise-induced learning facilitation via up-regulation of dopamine” as part of the BMBF consortium „Dopaminergic enhancement of learning, memory and recovery“ (Speaker: Prof. S. Knecht)
2007 – 2009
Junges Kolleg der Akademie der Wissenschaften des Landes NRW, Land NRW
2005 – 2007
Lise-Meitner Habilitation Stipendium, Land NRW
2002 – 2004
2-year postdoctoral fellowship, DFG
2000 – 2003
Verbesserung von Sprachlernen mit tDCS “: Innovative Medizinische Forschung, University Hospital Münster
Fünf relevante Publikationen der letzten fünf Jahre / Five relevant publications of the past five years
Witte, A.V., Kürten, J., Jansen, S., Schirmacher, A., Brand, E., Sommer, J. & Flöel, A. (2012). Interaction of BDNF and COMT polymorphisms on paired-associative stimulation-induced cortical plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 32, 13, 4553-4561.
Meinzer, M., Antonenko, D., Lindenberg, R., Hetzer, S., Ulm, L., Avirame, K., Flaisch, T. & Flöel, A. (2012). Electrical brain stimulation improves cognitive performance by modulating functional connectivity and task-specific activation. Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 5, 1859-1866.
Flöel, A., Meinzer, M., Kirstein, R., Nijhof, S., Deppe, M., Knecht, S. & Breitenstein, C. (2011). Short-term anomia training and electrical brain stimulation. Stroke, 42, 7, 2065-2067.
List, J., Duning, T., Meinzer, M., Kürten, J., Schirmacher, A., Deppe, M., Evers, S., Young, P. & Flöel, A. (2012). Enhanced rapid-onset cortical plasticity in CADASIL as a possible mechanism of preserved cognition. Cerebral Cortex, 12, 2774-2787.
Menke, R., Meinzer, M., Kugel, H., Deppe, M., Baumgärtner, A., Schiffbauer, H., Thomas, M., Kramer, K., Lohmann, H., Flöel, A., Knecht, S., & Breitenstein, C. (2009). Imaging short- and long-term training success in chronic aphasia. BMC Neuroscience, 10, 118.